# Collect AWS Profiles

Collect AWS Profiles

# collect_aws_profiles

# Parameters

  • config - a dict of awsume's configuration
  • parser - an argparse.ArgumentParser object
  • credentials_file - the path to the aws shared credentials file to be used
  • config_file - the path to the aws config file to be used

# Returns

  • A dict of profiles in the following format:
  'profile_name': {
    'profile_key': 'profile_value',

Review the official documentation (opens new window) for the various acceptable profile_keys.

# Example

import argparse
from awsume.awsumepy import hookimpl

def collect_aws_profiles(config: dict, arguments: argparse.Namespace, credentials_file: str, config_file: str):
    return {
        'profile1': {
            'aws_access_key_id': 'AKIA...',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'SECRET',
            'region': 'us-west-2',
        'profile2': {
            'aws_access_key_id': 'AKIA...',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'SECRET',
            'mfa_serial': 'arn:aws:iam::123123123123:mfa/user',
        'profile3': {
            'role_arn': 'AKIA...',
            'mfa_serial': 'arn:aws:iam::123123123123:mfa/user',
            'source_profile': 'profile2',

# pre_collect_aws_profiles

# Parameters

  • config - a dict of awsume's configuration
  • parser - an argparse.ArgumentParser object
  • credentials_file - the path to the aws shared credentials file to be used
  • config_file - the path to the aws config file to be used

# Returns

  • Nothing

# Example

import argparse
from awsume.awsumepy import hookimpl, safe_print

def pre_collect_aws_profiles(config: dict, arguments: argparse.Namespace, credentials_file: str, config_file: str):
    safe_print('Before collecting aws profiles')

# post_collect_aws_profiles

# Parameters

  • config - a dict of awsume's configuration
  • arguments - an argparse.Namespace object containing awsume's arguments
  • profiles - the collected aws profiles

# Returns

  • Nothing

# Example

import argparse
from awsume.awsumepy import hookimpl, safe_print

def post_collect_aws_profiles(config: dict, arguments: argparse.Namespace, profiles: dict):
    safe_print('After collecting aws profiles')