# Non-Interactive Awsume

You can use awsume in your python scripts to get a boto3 session for any profile you want.

For example, to do this in a python script:

awsume profile --region us-west-2 --role-duration 2000 --refresh

you would do this:

from awsume.awsumepy import awsume

session = awsume('profile', '-r', region='us-west-2', mfa_token='123123')

# The `session` is a boto3.Session object
client = session.client('sts')
result = client.get_caller_identity()

This function call delegates to awsume's main driver, so it'll take advantage of all the caching, plugins, and other good parts of awsume for you. The awsume function definition looks like this:

def awsume(profile_name: str = None, *args: list, **kwargs: dict) -> boto3.Session:
  • profile_name The name of the profile to awsume
  • args You can supply a list of command-line flags to awsume (like -r to force_refresh your credentials)
  • kwargs You can supply a list of long command-line flags to awsume

For any keyword argument supplied, it will be converted from this_case to --this-case before being sent to the awsume driver. This means that the following two lines are identical:

awsume('profile', '--mfa-token', '123123')
awsume('profile', mfa_token='123123')

If you specify a keyword argument to be a boolean, it will not pass the value to awsume, instead treating the argument like a on/off flag. The following two lines are identical:

awsume('profile', refresh=True)
awsume profile --refresh

# Notes

Note, that awsume was developed as a command-line tool, so there may be some strange behaviour with certain commands. For instance, if you run this:

from awsume.awsumepy import awsume

session = awsume('profile', '-l')
client = session.client('sts')
result = client.get_caller_identity()

awsume will be told to list the available profiles and exit, since that's what the -l flag is meant to do. So this will exit your script before it creates a client and prints the caller's identity.

This functionality is intended for situations where you want a boto3 session for any given profile.